Wednesday, July 31, 2013

5 Questions with J.C. Phelps

J.C. Phelps lives in the Black Hills of South Dakota, one of my favorite spots on earth. She also writes the Alexis Stanton Chronicles, a series with a kick-ass heroine. To top it all off, J.C. is good people, too, and I'm glad she took the time to answer my five questions!

1 – What’s your latest book about?

My current Work In Progress is the 4th book in my Alexis Stanton Series. I’m having a lot of fun writing it, but it has turned out to be quite the challenge. It’s about a strong woman who works for a Private Military Corporation. She has all kinds of adventures and gets to kick some butt along the way.

2 – Who’s your favorite author and/or what’s your favorite book?

What day of the week is it? Actually, I don’t have a favorite. There are so many authors that have touched my life with what they’ve written. I don’t even have a favorite genre. If the book can transport me to another world or time, I’m going to love it.

3 – What’s your favorite aspect of writing?

My favorite aspect of writing is creating a world of my own. I love exploring new places, meeting new people and jumping from airplanes without any of the risk.

4 – Any good anecdotes about being a writer?

I’m sitting here agonizing over this question. Anecdote – a short and amusing or interesting story. I have a few anecdotes for other subjects but when it comes to writing, the stories are all just ego boosters for myself. Writing has been one of the most fulfilling things I have ever done in my life. That is neither amusing or all that interesting to anyone but me.

5 – What was the most helpful writing advice you’ve ever received?

I like “Write for yourself.” I don’t know where that came from but it’s possible it’s a variation of one of my favorite quotes I’ve come across about writing. "...write as if you are a reader. The great joy in writing is the same joy as in reading: the discovery, the desire to go on to the next page and find out what will happen, and the sound of the voices." Stuart M. Kaminsky


  1. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this!

  2. You are very welcome! Thank YOU!
